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HC Synopsis

Welcome to the Holy City Project

What Is the Holy City Project?
The Holy City (HC) Project is the endeavor to establish wholly Christian cities in locations throughout the globe. Each of these cities will be a place which will wholeheartedly, fully incorporate the principles, values, ideology and theology of Christianity in its society. In anticipation of, and in willful and due preparation and conformity for, the coming Heavenly Kingdom of God, it will be a place "in which righteousness dwells" (2 Pet 3:13). In short, it will be a foretaste of Heaven, on Earth.

The HC Project will establish of these Holy Cities. They will be floating cities, established globally, specifically in International Waters. They will be united as one country which will be known as the New Jerusalem Kingdom (NJK).

What is the Purpose of the HC Project?
The motivating factor for the HC Project is to provide a solid, supportive, socio-economic platform for anyone who would like to be involved in global Christian religious and humanitarian missions and ministry. The present economic systems in most, if not all, countries, do not facilitate such significant ministries to be fully carried out by those who are willing. By making use of a sustainable and success-bound, Free-Service | Raw Material based, publicly and commonly-planned, client-side economy, "moored" by Biblical principles, the NJK|HC Project is set on overcoming this major obstacle and thoroughly carry out its planned global humanitarian missions and gospel ministries. (See in the HC Ministry section).

Observations and studies have and will show that it will only be through such a cooperation and organization by the people of God in such tangible actions that the various, ever-increasing basic and vital needs of hundreds of millions of people in the world will truly ever be met; and without further life-damaging|taking 'collateral casualties.' True followers of Christ should clearly understand that in the eyes of their God, everyone's life counts and is worth the effort. (e.g., Matt 25:31-46; cf. Luke 10:25-37). Therefore Bible Christians should be leading the way in demonstrating this pivotal truth to the world.

Who is the HC Project?
The Holy City Project is anyone who wants to participate in the establishing of its global ministry. Everyone who contributes to the best of their capability and then who also becomes citizens/residents of the new country will automatically, equally benefit in all of its various spiritual, social and economic rewards.

NJK-HC Project Motivations
The NJK Project is dedicated to providing: (Outright) Life and Quality of Life; Biblical Freedom; and the Attainment of Happiness, for all. (cf.)

Jerusalem = "Holy City"

Several statements in both the Old and the New Testaments show that the term "Holy City" is not only used to refer to the Heavenly New Jerusalem, but also to the earthly (old) Jerusalem. (Neh 11:1, 18; Isa 52:1; Dan 9:24; Matt 4:5; 27:53). The given name here of "Holy City" is used to overtly testify to other nations and peoples of what once was; what now could be; and along with the name "New Jerusalem" Kingdom, a preview, though not perfect, of what one day will fully be.

For answers to questions concerning the HC Project go to the Commonly Asked Questions section in the Site Key page.

Note: Entries in the navigation menu on the left that are not clickable includes pages which are under development.

NJK Foundations

NJK Foundations

- "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Psalm 11:3 (KJV) -

Every country in this world is essentially made up of four foundational entities. These entities inevitably are greatly interdependent and even though they may seem on the surface to be headed in their own direction, the individual performance of each one does affect the performance of the others. These four main foundational entities are as follows:
  1. Political- Determines how a country will be administered.
  2. Cultural- Determines the religious beliefs, social life, and values of a nation.
  3. Economical- Determines the livelihood and "sustainability" of a country.
  4. Technological- Determines the kind and quality of life of a country.
The "morality" of each of these entities is directly determine by the "god" to which they are each "bowing down" to, e.g., the gods, respectively, of: (1) Power, (2) Self, (3) Wealth, and (4) Materialism. While these may be the gods of the majority of earthly countries and nations, the makeup of New Jerusalem Kingdom will be very different from these from the very root, for while these four fundamental entities will be found in the NJK, they will continually and forever be bowing down before the throne of the Eternal and Almighty God, Creator of "the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them." (Exo 20:11; 31:17; Rev 4:11). Therefore these four entities of the NJK will be national models of (1) Leadership, (2) Service, (3) Equality, and (4) Effectiveness, respectively. These are all traits that can truly be achieved when only the true God is worshiped.

The twelve main organizational departments of the NJK can be arranged under each of these four entities as follows:

HC Organization
HC Building
HC Security
HC Living
HC Ministry
HC Leisure
HC Economy
HC Agriculture
HC Health
HC Energy
HC Utilities
HC Transport
True Freedom
The NJK will be a Free society in the true sense of the word "freedom" -its Biblical sense. Some of the things which are allowed, condoned and committed in some countries in the name of "freedom" is actually not freedom but "freed-om." It is the result of peoples having freed themselves from moral ethics and responsibilities. Such a falsely called "freedom" is actually something that the devil would suggest as the way this world should be ruled. (cf. John 8:37-47). It is a rule in which society is unheeding to the Truth and the Law of God, the Ten Commandments, (the "Law of Liberty" - James 2:12, 1:25), concerning our duty to God (the first 4 Commandments) and to man (the remaining 6 Commandments). Contrary to this misconception which has socio-political implications, the Bible has much to say about what true Freedom is. According to the Jesus and the rest of the Word of God, Freedom is:

a) John 8:32-36 - The retainment from committing sin.
b) Rom 8:21 - The emancipation from the slavery of corruption.
c) 2 Cor 3:13, 14 - The steadfast transformation into the glorious image of Christ.
d) 1 Pet 2:16 - Not a covering for evil.
e) Gal 5:13 - Not a ‘loophole’ to make opportunities for the flesh.

A Christian Nation???

Based on these Biblical standards, one nation in particular which considers itself an ambassador of freedom and of "God," -the United States of America- is, in actuality, neither free, nor Christian. It will either subject (i.e. enslave) people to the reign of evil on this planet through its various condoned sins and/or it will corrupt integrity by its "lawful" fleshly practices. One may say that such a denunciation is not necessary, but actually it is quite needed and expedient because the flagrant double standard of this nation has actually done more against true Christianity and the fulfilling of the Gospel commission than anything else, thus detrimentally affecting whatever good it may have done. Despite its (spurious) national claims ("One Nation Under God", "In God We Trust") and "prayer" ("God Bless America"), the United States of America should consider itself by what it really is in the light of the word of God: namely, a spiritually-speaking, "drunken," "adulterous," and "confused" nation (Rev 17 & 18) and a "false prophet." (Rev 16:13). (See here) Surely she is not speaking for the God of Heaven. Frankly speaking, it is about time that the Name of God be formally disassociated from such rampant and pervasive unGodliness.

Bible Beliefs

HC Foundations

NJK's Bible Beliefs

Specific exposition on the particular Bible Beliefs of the NJK Project differing in part from some of the basis for and/or application of the expositions of the Beliefs linked below, is posted on its related "Theological Views" Blog.

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