HC Organization
HC Locations
A pivotal area of decision concerning the New Jerusalem Kingdom was where would the Holy Cities be located. Originally, it was planned that the Holy Cities would be settled within the boundaries of existing country states but the more than likely scenario where the HCs would not have a sovereign and independent status was the major reason for seeking other locations.
Purchasing small islands was another possibility (see this list of world islands), but this was not chosen for the reasons that most existing vacant islands have a mountainous topography so "urbanizing" these areas would be an enormous task if it is at all possible. Also in some areas, such an "overhaul" would be detrimental to the natural environment and ecosystem.
So with the option of a "terra firma" location for HCs set aside there was only left the earth's seas and oceans to turn to. Therefore the Holy Cities will have to be floating cities located in International Waters.
Here are the current proposed location coordinates (in decimals) for the HC's along with (1) their nearest coastal country and its coast's distance (in nautical miles), (2) the global areas in which the HC's are located if a global map was divided into 4 quadrants (NorthEast, NorthWest, SouthEast, SouthWest) by the equator and the main meridian.
Purchasing small islands was another possibility (see this list of world islands), but this was not chosen for the reasons that most existing vacant islands have a mountainous topography so "urbanizing" these areas would be an enormous task if it is at all possible. Also in some areas, such an "overhaul" would be detrimental to the natural environment and ecosystem.
So with the option of a "terra firma" location for HCs set aside there was only left the earth's seas and oceans to turn to. Therefore the Holy Cities will have to be floating cities located in International Waters.
Here are the current proposed location coordinates (in decimals) for the HC's along with (1) their nearest coastal country and its coast's distance (in nautical miles), (2) the global areas in which the HC's are located if a global map was divided into 4 quadrants (NorthEast, NorthWest, SouthEast, SouthWest) by the equator and the main meridian.
On average, the Holy Cities are located nautical miles, ( kilometers/ statute miles) off the coasts of existing countries.
The proposed (scaled) locations of HC's are provided on this Google Earth (KML) File [The Free Google Earth program will be needed to view the file). [Use "Save As Target" to download the KML file , then once the Google Earth software is installed, simply doubleclick on the kml file to view in the program].